View Full Version : Model-view: Display items in different ways

12th August 2007, 12:07
I use the Model/View architecture for creating a tree-based structure. The model consists of nodes which can be of several different types.

The tree can look like this:
Root (type a)
child1 (type a)
child2 (type b)
child3 (type a)

Now what I want is to present type a and type b in different ways, say a is supposed to be a circle and b a rectangle.

What is the "correct" way for doing this?

I was thinking about using item roles to define the types. Say type a nodes respond that they are of "a" type when the TypeRole is fetched via the data()-function. Drawing then depends on this role's role, or data. That is, the data()-function for the TypeRole returns a new role that then defines how to draw the node.


// We have this in the model
QModelIndex root = model()->index(0,0,0);
QModelIndex child1 = model()->index(0,0,root);
QModelIndex child2 = model()->index(1,0,root);
QModelIndex child3 = model()->index(2,0,root);

// Getting the Type is via
int TypeRole = 34; //Available ItemDataRole

// Types are
int rootType = root.data(TypeRole);
int child1Type = child1.data(TypeRole);
int child2Type = child2.data(TypeRole);
int child3Type = child3.data(TypeRole);
// rootType == child1Type = child3Type == TYPE_A
// rootType != child2Type == TYPE_B

// How I thought of doing this is:

// Go through nodes and draw them
int childCount = model()->rowCount(index);
for ( int childNum=0; childNum < childCount; childNum++)
// Get the child and draw it
QModelIndex child = model()->index( childNum, 0, root );
// Get the type
int type = child.data( TypeRole );
//Draw them depending on the type
switch (type)
case (TYPE_A):
drawTypeA(child); //Draws the rectangle
case (TYPE_B):
drawTypeB(child); //Draws the circle

Is this how this is "supposed" to be done, or should the roles instead be directly used, so that drawing draws something only if the node is of correct type?

//We have several ItemDataRoles defined
int TypeARole = 34;
int TypeBRole = 35;

drawNode( child.data( TypeARole ) ); //Draws a rectangle, but only for A-type nodes
drawNode( child.data( TypeBRole ) ); //Draws a circle but only for B-type nodes

Or are there other better alternatives?

12th August 2007, 15:32
[/code]Is this how this is &quot;supposed&quot; to be done, or should the roles instead be directly used, so that drawing draws something only if the node is of correct type?

//We have several ItemDataRoles defined
int TypeARole = 34;
int TypeBRole = 35;

drawNode( child.data( TypeARole ) ); //Draws a rectangle, but only for A-type nodes
drawNode( child.data( TypeBRole ) ); //Draws a circle but only for B-type nodes

Or are there other better alternatives?

I'm guessing that this last piece of code is part of a custom view and not somehow part of the model...

I think your on the right track with your primary description of discriminating in the data() method. The only minor thing I do differently is contain the "type" in my item node instead of a custom role. Just a personal preference.

Mind you, I'm not an expert yet though. -travlr

13th August 2007, 08:27
The correct way is to implement a custom delegate (subclass of QAbstractItemDelegate or QItemDelegate) that will be able to determine if a particular index if of type A or B and handle the item accordingly.

13th August 2007, 19:05
Ok, I guess this was what I was looking for :) Thanks!