View Full Version : The right choice of IDE

17th August 2007, 09:30
Hello friends,

in the past few month i have the luck to study QT. So i have to choose a IDE. And i have some practice in many IDE like HiQT, Codeblocks, Edyuk, Qdevelop and so on. Originally i am a msvc 6 user.
So my question is if it is better to choose msvc6 or visual studio 2005 to marry them with QT.
What would you approve??

Best regards

17th August 2007, 11:51
visual studio 2005 and install qt-vsintegration-1.3.1.exe
then you can work like MFC. means you can open a dialog, place the widget, write code in your source, compile and debug all as same as any VC++ program.

I am using VC2003 and feeling it is good IDE.

17th August 2007, 12:21
if you have the vsintegration, use visual studio and don't look back.