View Full Version : identify QGraphicItem

26th August 2007, 16:25
I have a class of QGraphicItem type that contains special properties and I wanted that when selected one of them, it knew as he is the one that they selected but not like QGraphicItem but like an object of the class which I did, somebody knows like doing this?

26th August 2007, 17:01
how about:

MyItem *item = NULL;
item = qobject_cast<MyItem *>(selectedItem());
if (item != NULL){

Gopala Krishna
26th August 2007, 17:53
qobject_cast works only if the item also inherits QObject which the default QGraphicsItems don't inherit.
So my advice is to use qgraphicsitem_cast instead (replace qobject_cast with qgraphics_cast in above example). Read this qt doc (http://doc.trolltech.com/4.3/qgraphicsitem.html#qgraphicsitem_cast).

27th August 2007, 12:17
Or just use standard C++ dynamic_cast<T>(). qobject_cast and qgraphicsitem_cast are only necessary for apps that are compiled with RTTI disabled; mostly for embedded apps, or for old compilers. For modern apps, I just use dynamic_cast ;-).

Note: qgraphicsitem_cast does not support polymorphic casts.

12th September 2007, 05:36
Well when it tries to use qgraphicsitem_cast I could not, then I wanted some tutorial or example to using it :o , Thanks.

Sorry for my bad english.

24th September 2007, 06:16
Well... here the correct code for use qgraphicsitem_cast:

Eitem = NULL;
foreach (QGraphicsItem *item, Scene->selectedItems())
Eitem = qgraphicsitem_cast<MyClass*>(item);
if (Eitem != NULL)
//My Code

Thanks for all :)