View Full Version : When do I need Q_OBJECT?

24th February 2006, 07:54
As I understand it, I need Q_OBJECT macro if I declare a class that should use signals and slots, and it should then also be derived from QObject?

class Foo:public QObject{
// etc.

But if I derive from a class that already is derived from a QObject, like

class MainWindow : public QMainWindow
MainWindow(QWidget * parent = 0);
Ui::MainWindow ui;

Is Q_OBJECT really needed here? I mean, there is nothing that uses signals/slots, the MainWindow constructor contains no signals emits or connects.
I mean, the QMainWindow class is derived from QObject, doesn't it get the Q_OBJECT for that part?

24th February 2006, 08:15
Is Q_OBJECT really needed here? I mean, there is nothing that uses signals/slots, the MainWindow constructor contains no signals emits or connects.
I mean, the QMainWindow class is derived from QObject, doesn't it get the Q_OBJECT for that part?
You are right. The signals and slots from QMainWindow are available without using Q_OBJECT in your derived class.

If you wanted to use new signal-slots in your derived class you would need Q_OBJECT. In your case you don't.

have a look at this similar thread.