View Full Version : how can i generate .cpp file in QT 4.3.0

3rd September 2007, 05:50
I am new in QT and i m working on QT4.3.0 .i have generated .h file with the help of UIC but not able to generate .cpp file. plz help me about it and also tell me how can i generate .cpp and main.cpp file in qt4.3.0

3rd September 2007, 06:14
You have to create the cpp yourself. No one will generate it for you.
Please read http://doc.trolltech.com/4.3/designer-using-a-component.html.


3rd September 2007, 08:43
can u provide me details of steps to builing program in qt.then how can i complie it ??
i have just started in qt so plz tell me how can make a prog in qt(all steps)

3rd September 2007, 09:08
I'd suggest going through the Qt Tutorial (http://doc.trolltech.com/4.3/tutorial.html). It has all the required steps explained in detail.

3rd September 2007, 22:23
The qdevelop IDE own a wizard to create a Qt application based on QDialog or QMainWindow. gamitkumar will be able to see which files and which content is needed.