View Full Version : Qt rebuilding and source change

10th September 2007, 18:38
Hi all,

I have hit a bug in Qt 3.3.8 and one of the suggestions from Trolltech is to make a particular change in one of the source files. So if I do that, how do I rebuild Qt to incorporate that change?


10th September 2007, 18:58
Depends on what platform you are, but generally you have to run configure(or configure.exe) with the appropriate parameters.

For example, you might want to build the debug libs too, or add some optional plugins.

Anyway, everything is in the configure documentation( type configure /? on win or configure --help on linux).

After you successfully configure it, you have to run make to compile it and then make install to install it, but be careful what dest dirs you choose during configure.


12th September 2007, 17:00
Thanks, Marcel.

I have just set to c:\qt\3.3.8 and run nmake. If I have run the full install from the qt-win-commercial-3.3.8.exe, would that have saved my desired configuration parameters?

Actually, I think I can answer my own question since I had specified to build the odbc driver in the last configuration and that seems to have happened correctly in the make.
