View Full Version : Does QT support Word automation?

12th September 2007, 04:43
I want to shift from MFC to QT. But I want to know if Qt supports Word automation just like MFC. Any suggestion? Thanks!:)

12th September 2007, 07:44
Qt supports ActiveX (thus OLE as well) in the commercial edition.

Of course using the free edition you can still do COM calls, just without Qt integration and not wrapped into object oriented interface.

12th September 2007, 08:17
Oh, you've gave me a thread of light, but it seems there are so little example about this :)( in actual, i've found nothing about this), can give me more information, or where i can go for more help, thanks very much:p

12th September 2007, 08:20

I think there are also some examples bundled with Qt that show how to use it.