View Full Version : QSpinBox StyleSheet

The Storm
14th September 2007, 16:22

How can I set mirror effected background on my SpinBox, here the CSS code that I want to use:

background-color: qlineargradient(x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:1, stop:0 #fcfcfc, stop: 0.5 #fbfbfb, stop: 0.6 #f7f7f7, stop:1 #f5f5f5);

It work perfect for example on QLineEdit but on QSpinBox it isn't work at all. Is there a fix or this is a bug ?
The interesing is that when I set static color like #ff0000 (red) it work.
Btw the :hover option is not working at all for background colors.


14th September 2007, 20:05
Looks like I can reproduce the problem too. I'd suggest you to report the problem to the task tracker (http://trolltech.com/developer/task-tracker).

The Storm
14th September 2007, 23:08
Ok I reported it. :)