View Full Version : Customized Table

27th September 2007, 15:12
hi there

i have to develop a very custom table which looks like this one in the picture i've attached. and that's the problem. does anybody of you has a tip how i can do this. should i develop it form scratch, or derive form qtableview, qstandarddelgate whatever. what's the best way?

btw: i only have to display a few lines of data, no possibility to edit the data, just to mark a line in the table.

so thank you for any suggestions!!


27th September 2007, 15:20
Hmm... what is so custom in this table? You should use stylesheets or a custom style and maybe a custom delegate. No need to subclass QTableView, you can use it as it is.

28th September 2007, 13:32
ok, custom was the wrong word...

so i got it. but was a pain. mixing stylesheets with subclassing (overwriting paintEvent). now it look similar to the designers draft.

28th September 2007, 17:44
The point is you shouldn't need to override paintEvent. A custom delegate would do.