View Full Version : Disable Close button (X) of a QDialog

2nd October 2007, 15:41

I want to know if it is possible to disable the close button (X) of a QDialog during a Process.
After my Process is finished i want to enable the close button (X) again.

Posted some screenshots of an example to show what i mean.


Any help is welcome :)


2nd October 2007, 16:29
I didn't manage to do it by using the Qt window flags, but it is possible using winapi:

#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
CMenu* menu = this->GetSystemMenu(FALSE);

3rd October 2007, 08:20
this is not a Qt code. it is VC++ code.

3rd October 2007, 09:56
And what did I say?
It's not VC code, but it is winapi code. Please notice the ifdefs.

3rd October 2007, 10:50

try this:

3rd October 2007, 10:55
The second setWindowFlags overrides the first.
And he said disable the button, not hide it. But I guess that's a solution too.

3rd October 2007, 11:02
the first flag reset all flag to 0, so,it is also required.

3rd October 2007, 11:20
Using the second flag only yields the same result.
setWindowFlags(Qt::WindowTitleHint) will result in the window flags to be JUST Qt::WindowTitleHint.

If you want to set more than one flag you have to OR them:
setWindowFlags(flag1 | flag2 | ... | flagn );

9th October 2007, 16:19
Damn i am really late with reacting.... sorry for that u guys.

I am gonna try some of the solutions mentioned... i will tell you about what i have done :)

9th October 2007, 16:37
hmmm... I dont get Marcel's solution to work with the Winapi code.

And the next solution with the windowflags also doesnt work at Qt 3, the mentioned defines do not exist.

Maybe i have to search trough the Qt 3 Assistent for appropriate window flags.

Thx for your help and till next time :)

9th October 2007, 17:55
hmmm... I dont get Marcel's solution to work with the Winapi code.

Do you get any errors or it just doesn't work?

Maybe i have to search trough the Qt 3 Assistent for appropriate window flags.

See http://doc.trolltech.com/3.3/qt.html#WidgetFlags-enum.
Play with different combinations until you get some result. But it really depends on the window manager to respect the flags.

10th October 2007, 10:42
Do you get any errors or it just doesn't work?

See http://doc.trolltech.com/3.3/qt.html#WidgetFlags-enum.
Play with different combinations until you get some result. But it really depends on the window manager to respect the flags.

With the Winapi code I first get the following errors:

#ifdef Q_WS_WIN

CMenu* menu = m_pParent->GetSystemMenu(FALSE);


: error C2065: 'CMenu' : undeclared identifier
: error C2065: 'menu' : undeclared identifier
: error C2039: 'GetSystemMenu' : is not a member of 'QWidget'
: see declaration of 'QWidget'
: error C2227: left of '->ModifyMenu' must point to class/struct/union
: error C2065: 'SC_CLOSE' : undeclared identifier
: error C2065: 'MF_BYCOMMAND' : undeclared identifier
: error C2065: 'MF_GRAYED' : undeclared identifier

After that i include the <afxwin.h> include file (for CMenu class)
Then the following errors show up:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\MFC\INCLUDE\afx.h(226) : warning C4005: 'ASSERT' : macro redefinition
C:\Qt\3.3.4\include\qglobal.h(1010) : see previous definition of 'ASSERT'
: error C2039: 'GetSystemMenu' : is not a member of 'QWidget'
C:\Qt\3.3.4\include\qwidget.h(60) : see declaration of 'QWidget'

10th October 2007, 12:03
That's MFC, not WinAPI... ;)

#include <QtGui>
#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
#include <qt_windows.h>
#endif // Q_WS_WIN

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);
QWidget window;

#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
HMENU menu = ::GetSystemMenu(window.winId(), FALSE);
::DeleteMenu(menu, SC_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMAND);
::EnableMenuItem(menu, SC_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_GRAYED);
// or (removes the item in of system menu)
// ::DeleteMenu(menu, SC_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMAND);
#endif // Q_WS_WIN

return app.exec();

10th October 2007, 13:34
That's MFC, not WinAPI... ;)

#include <QtGui>
#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
#include <qt_windows.h>
#endif // Q_WS_WIN

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);
QWidget window;

#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
HMENU menu = ::GetSystemMenu(window.winId(), FALSE);
::DeleteMenu(menu, SC_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMAND);
::EnableMenuItem(menu, SC_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_GRAYED);
// or (removes the item in of system menu)
// ::DeleteMenu(menu, SC_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMAND);
#endif // Q_WS_WIN

return app.exec();

Woooow! That did the job! :D I'm really happy with this solution :D :cool:

6th November 2007, 12:06
Hi guys,
I'm quite late on this thread but I had the same problem :-)

Anybody knows how to disable that nasty little button on X11 and Mac OS X??

In case you need it, here is a nice macro I am using on Win32 - it's pretty similar to the latest post of course and it works fine:

# ifdef Q_OS_WIN
# include <windows.h>
# define ENABLE_CLOSE_BTN(Enable) \
{ QWidget* tlw = this; \
while (tlw && !tlw->isWindow() && tlw->windowType() != Qt::SubWindow) \
tlw = tlw->parentWidget(); \
HMENU hMenu = GetSystemMenu((HWND) tlw->winId(), FALSE); \
# endif // Q_OS_WIN

Now just use ENABLE_CLOSE_BTN(true) or ENABLE_CLOSE_BTN(false).

It will detect the top level widget of the widget containing the code, so you can use it inside of a child widget (eg. a wizard page in my case) without having to change the macro :D
Feel free to replace that "while" loop if you are always going to use it inside of a top level window.

And now on with your suggestions for X11/MAC ;)

7th December 2007, 05:45
How do I hide close, resize and minimize featuers in QGLWidget??

setWindowFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint); does not work!!

7th December 2007, 08:47
How do I hide close, resize and minimize featuers in QGLWidget??

setWindowFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint); does not work!!
What do you mean? Are you showing QGLWidget as a top level window? QGLWidget is a QWidget so when it comes to adjusting window flags, anything that works for a plain QWidget should work with QGLWidget as well.

11th March 2009, 16:35
Hi guys,
I'm quite late on this thread but I had the same problem :-)

Anybody knows how to disable that nasty little button on X11 and Mac OS X??

In case you need it, here is a nice macro I am using on Win32 - it's pretty similar to the latest post of course and it works fine:

# ifdef Q_OS_WIN
# include <windows.h>
# define ENABLE_CLOSE_BTN(Enable) \
{ QWidget* tlw = this; \
while (tlw && !tlw->isWindow() && tlw->windowType() != Qt::SubWindow) \
tlw = tlw->parentWidget(); \
HMENU hMenu = GetSystemMenu((HWND) tlw->winId(), FALSE); \
# endif // Q_OS_WIN

Now just use ENABLE_CLOSE_BTN(true) or ENABLE_CLOSE_BTN(false).

It will detect the top level widget of the widget containing the code, so you can use it inside of a child widget (eg. a wizard page in my case) without having to change the macro :D
Feel free to replace that "while" loop if you are always going to use it inside of a top level window.

And now on with your suggestions for X11/MAC ;)

Woo so good! thx for the nice macro! its works just nice :p

28th April 2009, 09:37
Starting with Qt 4.5 there is a new window hint for controlling close button Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint:

QWidget w;
w.setWindowFlags(Qt::Window | Qt::CustomizeWindowHint | Qt::WindowTitleHint| Qt::WindowSystemMenuHint | Qt::WindowMinMaxButtonHint);

28th April 2009, 10:41
Starting with Qt 4.5 there is a new window hint for controlling close button Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint:

QWidget w;
w.setWindowFlags(Qt::Window | Qt::CustomizeWindowHint | Qt::WindowTitleHint| Qt::WindowSystemMenuHint | Qt::WindowMinMaxButtonHint);

That's very nice to hear/know when i'm going to use Qt 4.5 or higher in the future! :)

28th April 2009, 13:17
That's very nice to hear/know when i'm going to use Qt 4.5 or higher in the future! :)

Very nice, thanks, but, is it possible to disable (X) in dialog that resided on QGraphicsView, I've read in the docs that is NOT possible ...

28th April 2009, 16:57
I use the same code in QT4.5, but it doesn't work!!

3rd June 2009, 21:11
Anybody knows how to disable that nasty little button on X11 and Mac OS X??

I have the exact same problem. I'm using Qt 4.3 and don't have the luxury of Qt::WindowMinMaxButtonHint. :(

I need to keep the title bar empty, so Qt::FramelessWindowHint makes the message box a bit bare.

It was suggested that we can inherit a QDialog box and disable it there...would anyone else know of any other suggestions?


3rd June 2009, 21:19
It was suggested that we can inherit a QDialog box and disable it there...would anyone else know of any other suggestions?
try upgrading to qt 4.5

3rd June 2009, 21:40
Try this

#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qevent.h>
#include <qpushbutton.h>
#include <qdialog.h>
#include <qmessagebox.h>
#include <iostream>

class MyDialog : public QDialog

MyDialog( QWidget* parent=0 ) : QDialog( parent ) {


void closeEvent ( QCloseEvent * event ) {
QMessageBox::information( this, "Close?", "Close? No way!" );

int main( int argc, char** argv )
QApplication app( argc, argv );

MyDialog dlg;
QPushButton* button = new QPushButton( "Exit", &dlg );
QObject::connect( button, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
&app, SLOT( quit() ) );
dlg.resize( 300, 300 );

return app.exec();


11th June 2009, 15:58
try upgrading to qt 4.5

Sorry, I didn't see these replies until now. It's not an option for us right now.

11th June 2009, 16:04
Try this

#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qevent.h>
#include <qpushbutton.h>
#include <qdialog.h>
#include <qmessagebox.h>
#include <iostream>

class MyDialog : public QDialog

MyDialog( QWidget* parent=0 ) : QDialog( parent ) {


void closeEvent ( QCloseEvent * event ) {
QMessageBox::information( this, "Close?", "Close? No way!" );

int main( int argc, char** argv )
QApplication app( argc, argv );

MyDialog dlg;
QPushButton* button = new QPushButton( "Exit", &dlg );
QObject::connect( button, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
&app, SLOT( quit() ) );
dlg.resize( 300, 300 );

return app.exec();


Thank you for your reply. Yes, this was a solution that was considered. I'm wondering if there is another solution where we don't have to inherit and ignore the closeEvent...

17th June 2009, 23:27
If this helps anyone, you can remove the three buttons on the top left (close, minimize, maximize) on a Mac and leaving the title there using:


18th June 2009, 05:53
try Window flags
see the example: http://doc.trolltech.com/4.3/widgets-windowflags.html

8th December 2009, 17:01

this did the job for me (on a QDialog based class) :

Qt::WindowFlags flags = windowFlags() ;
flags |= Qt::CustomizeWindowHint ;
flags &= ~Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint ;
setWindowFlags( flags ) ;