View Full Version : User has not minimize or maximize buttons

4th October 2007, 22:07
I have a user that is not getting the minimize or maximize buttons on the window title bar (all he has is the close button). The constructor for the dialog looks like this:

lprofMain::lprofMain( QWidget* parent)
: lprofMainBase( parent, "", 0,
Qt::WType_TopLevel | Qt::WStyle_SysMenu | Qt::WStyle_MinMax )

Qt::WStyle_SysMenu | Qt::WStyle_MinMax were added a long time ago to get these controls working on Windows and on my Linux box I am seeing the minimize and maximize controls. So I don't understand why the user is not.

Anyone have any ideas?

This is a Qt3 application.

6th October 2007, 19:23
As far as I know, these are only hints. It's up to the underlying window manager whether they are respected or not. Just curious, which desktop is he/she running? My wild guess is something exotic or rather old.. :)