View Full Version : Wubi and Kubuntu...

13th October 2007, 23:49
I just don't want to risk my data on the windows machine but at the same time I like to learn more about KDE, KDevelop and Linux generally. I tried LiveCD and Virtual machines before but I didn't like them.
I just got to know the Wubi (http://wubi-installer.org/) and I want to try the Kubuntu installed on it. Then I would probably have the same KDevelop as the ones installed on KDE desktop systems. right?

14th October 2007, 09:50
You don't risk your Windows data by installing Linux. One risks his Linux data by installing Windows - believe me, I know :)

Yes, if Wubi installs KDevelop by default, you'll have the exact same installation as on any other KDE desktop (Kubuntu runs KDE by default as well). If it doesn't, you'll have to use the Kubuntu packet manager to install it.

Gopala Krishna
15th October 2007, 14:33
If it doesn't, you'll have to use the Kubuntu packet manager to install it.

Did you mean package manager ? :D