View Full Version : Porting Win32 api to Qt

19th October 2007, 07:31
I am trying to port an Application written using win32 api to Qt. I am seeking way to port the string tables in the resource file. The string table contains the error messages that needs to popped up.

I had initially thought of writing a Qt class which would hold all the strings that needs to be translated, mapped against its message id and then run the linguist. The class would essential return me the string for the id.

Is there a better way. maybe using the Qt resource system that I am over-looking ... ?

19th October 2007, 08:33
Why do you want to have a global place with all error messages at all?
Just put them into your code and let do linguist the rest.

19th October 2007, 09:29
Ya ... that is somewhat similar to what I have done.
I have created a class Which will hold the Messages, And these strings are tr-ed.

Now, Why in a class is because I want the strings to be returned for the Message Id I have