View Full Version : QMYSQL driver

25th October 2007, 14:27
On mine PC where there is QT I have compiled the project (I work with base MySQL 5) all perfectly works. On other computer I start the program, but to base it is not connected: QMYSQL driver not loaded. QtSql4.dll and qsqlmysql4.dll lay in a folder with exe a file In what there can be a business?

25th October 2007, 20:00
On mine PC where there is QT I have compiled the project (I work with base MySQL 5) all perfectly works. On other computer I start the program, but to base it is not connected: QMYSQL driver not loaded. QtSql4.dll and qsqlmysql4.dll lay in a folder with exe a file In what there can be a business?

You havo to put qsqlmysql4.dll in a folder called "sqldrivers" placed in the folder containing youe exe and the Qt dll's. In the same folder you have to copy the libmysql.dll.


+ MyFolder
+ MyProg.exe
+ QtCore4.dll
+ Qt.... .dll
+ libmysql.dll
+ sqldrivers
+ qsqlmysql4.dll

26th October 2007, 08:14
he he he ! all fine work ! Thx !:D