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30th October 2007, 18:55
Why can't I do this?

class myTextEdit : public QTextEdit {

class MainWindow : QMainWindow {

private slots:
void getText() {
QString = inputText->text(); //inputText is defined as myTextEdit

This example is highly contrived, but since QTextEdit has a public function called text(), why does the compiler say it isn't a member of myTextEdit...


30th October 2007, 18:59
I am afraid there's no such member in QTextEdit.
You can use QTextEdit::toPlainText to retrieve the contained text.

30th October 2007, 19:07
Perhaps you're reading docs of Qt 3 but actually using Qt 4?

30th October 2007, 20:11
yes, 3.3 specifically it clearly states it has a text() method

30th October 2007, 20:17
And what does "qmake -v" output? You should read docs of Qt 4 if that's what you use. Qt 3 and Qt 4 are pretty much different. ;)