
I'm in the process of localising my windows/mac QT application. I've completed this succesfull on the windows platform:

Windows Steps:
1. encapsulate all visible text inthe tr() function
2. Add to my .pro file:
Qt Code:
  1. TRANSLATIONS = myapp_en_US.ts
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
3. Run lupdate on my project
4. Run QT Linguistics on the generated .ts file
5. Release the translation to a .qm file
6. Distribute the .qm file along with my .exe in my installer

I got this working without hardly any trouble.

Mac Steps:
Shares the same code base and .pro file so step 1..4 aren't necessary.
I looked at the QT docs, and there is this page about Mac differens, but daar kan ik geen chocola van maken.

Can anyone explain the steps needed to localise my app for the Mac aswell? ty