A question: Wich are advantages/disavantages to make incude from QT Desinger (in implementaion/in declaration; eg form a MainForm) instead of other place (ie MainForm.ui.h)
A question: Wich are advantages/disavantages to make incude from QT Desinger (in implementaion/in declaration; eg form a MainForm) instead of other place (ie MainForm.ui.h)
could u plz explain ur question a little bit more...
I created a mainForm from designer; then I insert 10 include file from desinger (some in implementation, other in declaration); then I compile; later I insert other include files
at the top of file mainform.ui.h because I need them; Was better re-open designer and insert these last include filese from designer? Or is better deleted all include files inserted from desinger and add them all at the top of mainform.ui.h file? (and better for what?)
IMO the best way is not to use .ui.h files at all.
Last edited by jacek; 10th March 2006 at 14:22.
I''m support it too, but what author mean under to make incude from QT Desinger (IMHO it is using .ui.h now) it puzzle
a life without programming is like an empty bottle
I actually sort of liked the .ui.h files. They allowed you to seperate GUI behaviour (slots that strictly relate to the GUI but aren't already there) from the real purpose of the widget/dialog. Of course, that's still possible, but it would mean subclassing twice. And the .ui file should contain that behaviour.
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