I'm trying to compile Qt 3.3.3 on WindowsXP with a custom name for the dll. i.e. qt-mt333_myname.dll
Has anyone done this successfully?

The steps I've taken are (from a DOS prompt) are:
1. Change the VERSION value in ~/src/qt.pro from 3.3.3 to 3.3.3_myname. ( not sure this step is neccessary )
2. Run configure.exe -debug -shared -exceptions -stl -rtti -thread -qt-style-windowsxp
3. Parse the Qt directory structure changing any Makefiles and .vcproj file references to the wrong name ( i.e. qt-mt*.lib ) to my custom name. This is requred because I think the configuration gets confused by the modified version and thus refers to the .lib file as qt-mt0.lib. Regardless of whether I do step 1 or not, I'd still need to change these references.
4. Run nmake. This builds the src directory fine, but when it trys to build ~/plugins/src/accessible/widgets it falls over with a linker error "LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'MOC.obj'

The strange thing is that if I open the vcproj file for this I can compile it fine. I can then go back to the DOS prompt and run nmake again which will carry on past this point till it hits another Makefile it has a problem with ( ~/tools/assistant/lib ) where the same thing happens over again...

The reason I want to create a dll with a custom name is to avoid the issues that arise when other Qt applications on the user's machine link to my dll because of PATH ordering.

Any help will be very much appreciated.