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Thread: is it possible to reduce the static exe file size?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Qt products

    Question is it possible to reduce the static exe file size?

    i built my program as static ,
    it is a simple dialog and the file size was 5.5 m it is too big for such a program.
    can i reduce the file size ?
    note i does not mean any compressor but i mean a way in Qt.
    i want it to be in kelos.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: is it possible to reduce the static exe file size?

    First of all make sure you don't have Qt built in debug mode. Then make sure you pass some options to configure that disable things you don't need (for instance -no-stl, -no-exceptions, etc.). And third of all - search the forum for similar issues.

    Oh, and you can use a compressor such as upx - it turns executable files into... smaller executable files.

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