
I am making a program plotting more than a curve in one QwtPlot. This program is plotting real time data and allows the user to set the size of aquisition, so the number of plots in a curve. Resizing the curves works perfectly but I have some issues printing the curves, only the last one has the correct number of plots.

For example I ask 20 points per curve and I have 3 curves. The last curve I created will print 20 points, the second will print 10 and the first will print less.
Here is the snapshot: http://www.box.net/shared/q09jvw1yco

In the code I am regularly updating each curve before replotting in a timer:
Qt Code:
  1. setRawData (d_x, d_y, nCurPlotsY); //nCurPlotsY the current nb of plots
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

Any ideas?

