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Thread: problems installing Qt opensource with msvc2008 support

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default problems installing Qt opensource with msvc2008 support

    i have visual studio 2008 and i was following this tutorial, which seems quite good:

    but i have tried so many times and always the same, it starts ok, they ask me about the license i say yes, then it starts to install itself, but then it starts to get errors that start saying Could not Find **** and i will start to see a lot of paths to several files, it goes to several fatal errors and says that "building qmake failed, return error 2" and nothing happends is there anything i can do to install it?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: problems installing Qt opensource with msvc2008 support

    Please post the first error messages which occur.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: problems installing Qt opensource with msvc2008 support

    the error is the following, it goes after the list of yes and no or the things to be installed

    Creating qmake...

    Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 9.00.21022.08
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

    cl -c -Foproject.obj -W3 -nologo -O2 -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators\uni
    x -Igenerators\win32 -Igenerators\mac -IC:\Private_Server\Qt\include -IC:\Priva
    te_Server\Qt\include\QtCore -IC:\Private_Server\Qt\include -IC:\Private_Server\
    Qt\include\QtCore -IC:\Private_Server\Qt\src\corelib\global -IC:\Private_Serve
    r\Qt\include\QtScript -IC:\Private_Server\Qt\mkspecs\win32-msvc2008 -DQT_NO_T
    project.cpp(62) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'Windows.h': No s
    uch file or directory
    NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"F:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\BIN
    \cl.EXE"' : return code '0x2'

    Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 9.00.21022.08
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

    del qbitarray.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\qbitarray.obj
    del qbuffer.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\qbuffer.obj
    del qcryptographichash.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\qcryptographichash.obj
    del qlinkedlist.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\qlinkedlist.obj
    del qfsfileengine.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\qfsfileengine.obj
    del qfsfileengine_iterator.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\qfsfileengine_iterator. obj
    del qbytearray.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\qbytearray.obj
    del qvsnprintf.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\qvsnprintf.obj
    del qbytearraymatcher.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\qbytearraymatcher.obj
    del qdatetime.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\qdatetime.obj
    del qdir.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\qdir.obj
    del qdiriterator.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\qdiriterator.obj
    del qfile.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\qfile.obj
    del qtemporaryfile.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\qtemporaryfile.obj
    del qabstractfileengine.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\qabstractfileengine.obj
    del qfsfileengine_win.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\qfsfileengine_win.obj
    del qfsfileengine_iterator_win.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\qfsfileengine_iterator_ win.obj
    del qfileinfo.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\qfileinfo.obj
    del qglobal.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\qglobal.obj
    del qhash.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\qhash.obj
    del qiodevice.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\qiodevice.obj
    del qlistdata.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\qlistdata.obj
    del qlocale.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\qlocale.obj
    del qmalloc.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\qmalloc.obj
    del qmap.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\qmap.obj
    del qregexp.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\qregexp.obj
    del qstring.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\qstring.obj
    del qstringlist.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\qstringlist.obj
    del qtextstream.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\qtextstream.obj
    del qdatastream.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\qdatastream.obj
    del quuid.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\quuid.obj
    del qvector.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\qvector.obj
    del qsettings.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\qsettings.obj
    del qlibraryinfo.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\qlibraryinfo.obj
    del qvariant.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\qvariant.obj
    del qurl.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\qurl.obj
    del qsettings_win.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\qsettings_win.obj
    del qmetatype.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\qmetatype.obj
    del project.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\project.obj
    del main.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\main.obj
    del makefile.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\makefile.obj
    del unixmake.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\unixmake.obj
    del unixmake2.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\unixmake2.obj
    del mingw_make.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\mingw_make.obj
    del option.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\option.obj
    del winmakefile.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\winmakefile.obj
    del projectgenerator.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\projectgenerator.obj
    del property.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\property.obj
    del meta.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\meta.obj
    del makefiledeps.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\makefiledeps.obj
    del metamakefile.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\metamakefile.obj
    del xmloutput.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\xmloutput.obj
    del borland_bmake.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\borland_bmake.obj
    del msvc_nmake.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\msvc_nmake.obj
    del msvc_dsp.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\msvc_dsp.obj
    del msvc_vcproj.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\msvc_vcproj.obj
    del msvc_objectmodel.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\msvc_objectmodel.obj
    del pbuilder_pbx.obj
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\pbuilder_pbx.obj
    del qnumeric.obj -del qscriptasm.obj -del qscriptast.obj -del qscript
    astvisitor.obj -del qscriptcompiler.obj -del qscriptecmaarray.obj -del qscrip
    tecmaboolean.obj -del qscriptecmacore.obj -del qscriptecmadate.obj -del qscri
    ptecmafunction.obj -del qscriptecmaglobal.obj -del qscriptecmamath.obj -del q
    scriptecmanumber.obj -del qscriptecmaobject.obj -del qscriptecmaregexp.obj -d
    el qscriptecmastring.obj -del qscriptecmaerror.obj -del qscriptcontext_p.obj
    -del qscriptengine.obj -del qscriptengine_p.obj -del qscriptengineagent.obj -
    del qscriptextenumeration.obj -del qscriptextvariant.obj -del qscriptcontext.o
    bj -del qscriptcontextinfo.obj -del qscriptfunction.obj -del qscriptgrammar.o
    bj -del qscriptlexer.obj -del qscriptclassdata.obj -del qscriptparser.obj -d
    el qscriptprettypretty.obj -del qscriptsyntaxchecker.obj -del qscriptclass.obj
    -del qscriptclasspropertyiterator.obj -del qscriptstring.obj -del qscriptval
    ue.obj -del qscriptvalueimpl.obj -del qscriptvalueiterator.obj -del qscriptva
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\qnumeric.obj
    del vc60.pdb
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\vc60.pdb
    del vc70.pdb
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\vc70.pdb
    del qmake.pdb
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\qmake.pdb
    del qmake.ilk
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\qmake.ilk
    del qmake.tds
    Could Not Find C:\Private_Server\Qt\qmake\qmake.tds

    Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 9.00.21022.08
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

    cl -c -Foproject.obj -W3 -nologo -O2 -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators\uni
    x -Igenerators\win32 -Igenerators\mac -IC:\Private_Server\Qt\include -IC:\Priva
    te_Server\Qt\include\QtCore -IC:\Private_Server\Qt\include -IC:\Private_Server\
    Qt\include\QtCore -IC:\Private_Server\Qt\src\corelib\global -IC:\Private_Serve
    r\Qt\include\QtScript -IC:\Private_Server\Qt\mkspecs\win32-msvc2008 -DQT_NO_T
    project.cpp(62) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'Windows.h': No s
    uch file or directory
    NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"F:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\BIN
    \cl.EXE"' : return code '0x2'
    Building qmake failed, return code 2

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Thanked 2 Times in 2 Posts

    Default Re: problems installing Qt opensource with msvc2008 support

    If this is with Express:
    To me it seems like your MSVC2008 install is bricked. Unlike 2005, the main headers needed for Windows installation (like the Windows.h missing here) come with the compiler.
    So if Windows.h is missing, you might either have not launched the Visual Studio Command Prompt (which would be strange, since nmake seems to work), you uninstalled the headers, or may you moved some folders of MSVC around?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Qt products

    Default Re: problems installing Qt opensource with msvc2008 support

    ok thanks ill reinstall the msvc2008 and try again

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008
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    Default Re: problems installing Qt opensource with msvc2008 support

    i tried to reinstall the msvc once again and to work from that, but still no luck, is not the express one, but it seems that is the QT that is missing some of the files or something from what i could see from the errors

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: problems installing Qt opensource with msvc2008 support

    windows.h is part of the ms toolkit. If it isn't there you have installed something wrong. If it is there you maybe did not execute vsvars32.bat / did not use 'Visual Studio Command prompt'. This has nothing to do with Qt.


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