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Thread: Phonon + custom media source

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    Default Phonon + custom media source

    It is very easy to use Phonon to play a movie from a file or over network. But is it possible at the current state or is it planned in a near future to provide a custom media source, for instance generate video frames directly in the application?

    A side question is the exact opposite of the previous one - is it possible to provide a custom sink for the media? For instance if I wanted to access each frame of the video and save it to disk as a separate image without showing the video on screen? In theory one could create a custom Effect that would act as a filter, do some work and then pass through the media to the next node, but there are two problems:
    1. this would require to have some final sink (hence show the video)
    2. I don't think at present one can implement a custom effect

    So is Phonon going to be a framework for just viewing existing media in a platform independent way or do/will we have an interface to create/modify/operate on the media that could be used in yet undetermined usecases? Do you Jeff or anyone else have some knowledge (or any comments) about that?

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