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Thread: Xcode 3.1 + Qt4.4.1

  1. #1
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    Default Xcode 3.1 + Qt4.4.1

    Hi, do I need to do something special to compile Qt4.4.x projects with XCode 3.1???

    I Googled and I found in QtCentre-Wiki this entry which says:
    Qt 4.4 on Mac Leopard with Xcode 3.1
    To install and build Qt 4.4 the fast way, you can use qt4-mac port.
    Why it's better use the qt4-mac port (MacPort)?? I never used MacPort before for use Qt4.4.0 or 4.3.x and Xcode, and it worked always without any problems...

    But now I'm having serious problems with Qt4.4.1 and Xcode 3.1... projects which I compiled without any problem with XCode 3.0 and Qt4.4.0, now I'm having over 10.000 errors! Woah!

    I tried compiling Qt4.4.1 as Static and as Frameworks... with negative results... my projects are not compiled...

    Any tip will be welcomed!

    P.S.: I can compile Qt4 framework with no problems, the problem raises when I try to compile my projects using XCode 3.1...

    Kind regards,
    Last edited by xEsk; 24th August 2008 at 15:06. Reason: spelling error

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Xcode 3.1 + Qt4.4.1

    Quote Originally Posted by xEsk View Post
    Why it's better use the qt4-mac port (MacPort)??
    It's not better, but faster. Port is just a kind of script that automates build and installation process.

    As for XCode, unfortunately, I'm not able to help you.

  3. The following user says thank you to jacek for this useful post:

    xEsk (24th August 2008)

  4. #3
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    Default Re: Xcode 3.1 + Qt4.4.1

    Quote Originally Posted by jacek View Post
    It's not better, but faster. Port is just a kind of script that automates build and installation process.

    qt4-mac is not faster or better ... is the same code == as you download qt4.4
    if you like to build other library like mysql xslt ....
    you need anyway macport ..
    MacPort import on your mac only the configure command and all dependency from this...

    MacPort is like Linux Gentoo emerge file
    or debian 4 steep...

    @apt-get source libqt4-core
    ## dependency install
    @apt-get build-dep libqt4-core
    @apt-get install fakeroot
    @dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -rfakeroot

    MacPort wget or curl -O the source and build for you

    You can any time configure self and grab all dependency

    to work on XCode you must create the xcode projekt file
    on terminal:
    qmake -spec macx-xcode *name*.pro

    after ddclick and push the build button
    or configure other mac sdk ..

  5. #4
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    Default Re: Xcode 3.1 + Qt4.4.1

    Quote Originally Posted by patrik08 View Post
    to work on XCode you must create the xcode projekt file
    on terminal:
    qmake -spec macx-xcode *name*.pro

    after ddclick and push the build button
    or configure other mac sdk ..
    Yah, I know what to do, the problem appears after install XCode 3.1 and Qt4.4.1... With XCode 3.0 and Qt4.4.0 I was able to compile my projects with no problems... but now, it is impossible... I'm getting over 10k errors... and all of them are missing headers, project and Qt headers.

    I compared my old xcode generated projects with qmake (of Qt4.4.0) and qmake (of Qt4.4.1) and are not eqauals... the new generated projects are all with relative paths (may be not all, but most of them are relative)...

    I tried compiling Qt4.4.1 by my self, also I tried install the official .DMG installed of Trollech, and always the same result.

    In the past I always compiled Qt with no problems...

    Thank's for your time :P

  6. #5
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    Default Re: Xcode 3.1 + Qt4.4.1

    Hi again :P

    I found where is the problem, but I don't know how to fix it :P

    When Qt4.4.3 generate a new xcode project or makefile, the UIC and MOC paths are incorrect (uuh!?)

    Example of qt_preprocess.mak (in .xcodeproj):

    ################################################## ###########################
    # Makefile for building: bin/
    # Generated by qmake (2.01a) (Qt 4.4.3) on: jue oct 9 13:31:26 2008
    # Project:
    # Template: app
    # Command: /usr/bin/qmake -spec /usr/local/Qt4.4/mkspecs/macx-xcode -macx -o xVideoServiceThief.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
    ################################################## ###########################

    MOC = /Users/xEsk/bin/moc
    UIC = /Users/xEsk/bin/uic


    (cd /Users/xEsk/src/moc && $(MAKE))


    build/moc-release/moc_addvideoimpl.cpp: build/ui/ui_addvideo.h \
    src/videoinformation.h \
    /Library/Frameworks/QtGui.framework/Versions/4/Headers/QtGui \
    src/videoitem.h \
    src/tools.h \
    src/http.h \
    /Library/Frameworks/QtNetwork.framework/Versions/4/Headers/QtNetwork \
    src/forms/addvideoimpl.h \
    /Users/xEsk/bin/moc $(DEFINES) $(INCPATH) -D__APPLE__ -D__GNUC__ src/forms/addvideoimpl.h -o build/moc-release/moc_addvideoimpl.cpp

    The MOC and UIC do not exist in /Users/xEsk/bin/ (this bin directory do not exists), the real path of MOC and UIC apps are in "/usr/bin/"...

    Well, my question now is, where Qt4.4 stores this information?? So I can change it manually! :P

    Thanks and best regards,

  7. #6
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    Default Re: Xcode 3.1 + Qt4.4.1

    Hi again! xD

    Finally I found the solution! Yuhu!

    Into my user directory, I found the hidden .qmake.cache file, which contains the QT paths and others... so I changed them to correct one, and now it works perfectly! Phew!

    Thank you everybody!

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