Compiled with Visual Studio 2008, an implementation iterating thought a QModelIndexList (obtained using QItemSelectionModel::selectedRows() ) using QMutableListIterator causes a crash when calling QMutableListIterator::remove(). This only occurs on Windows, using GCC on Linux (haven't tested MinGW on Windows) causes no crash. The error when it crashes on Windows is a genereal heap corruption error, and the debugger crashes exactly on that line. The list itself is valid, and this occurs right after program startup, so I am 99% certain that the heap isn't becoming corrupted earlier on (No delete operations have been done whatsoever on the list before this, and it deisplays perfectly in the model without crashing, which you would expect it to do if there had been any ehap corruption before this).
Is this a (known) bug in Qt or maybe in the MSVC compiler? Has anyone encountered this before?