I created a program that uses mysql 5.0, and it works perfectly on my windows XP test machine.

Once I copied the program to another windows XP computer and ran it, the program works fine except I get the infamous "driver not loaded" message when I attempt to access the database. From my reading, most of the posts regarding this error are in relation to the driver not being compiled correctly, however, I assume that since it works flawlessly on my test machine, that the driver is in fact compiled fine. I ran the program and monitored file access with filemon, and can not seem to see anything that I forgot to include with the program when I copied it to the other machine. The files I copied to the machine that gives the error are:

Qt Code:
  1. libmySQL.dll
  2. mingwm10.dll
  3. qsqlmysql4.dll
  4. QtCore4.dll
  5. QtGui4.dll
  6. QtSql4.dll
  7. qsqlmysqld4.dll
  8. program.exe
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

Are there any other files that I am missing that should be there for MySql to work?