Please keep the thread converstion here in the thread and not through PMs so that everyone can benefit it, in case we manage to help you solve your problem...

Moving on....
The code that I posted could (or should?) be inserted in your main(), after you create your own instance of QApplication (or some subclass that inherits it).
qApp is a Qt "builtin" that points to that instance.
The file I mentioned has a .qm extension. For instance, if the file name is qt_martian.qm, you can pass only qt_martian without the .qm and the correct file name will be inferred when you try to load it.

What it does is install the translator that translates the strings of the standard buttons and other Qt stuff.

I'm not very knowledgeable in Qt but this is basically what the thing does. Someone with more insight can stop by and correct any mistake I said.

Have a look at http://doc.trolltech.com/4.4/i18n.html there's a lot to learn from there.
