Hello. I'm new to this forum and also to qt. I need some help with these. I use Qt 4.3.4 wint MinGW. I made a window which contain a QListWidget. I made a combobox from wich i add item to ListWidget wiht text and icon.I can move items in ListWidget where i want. I save the ListWidget saving the text item , icon item and the position item (row and column).
The problem i have i that i made a function to load the item to list and put them to the position that were saved. I read in help and i found up that to insert a item to ListWidget to a certain posistion in list (where i want) i must user QListView::setPositionForIndex(QPoint &point,const QModelIndex &index) cont.
to retreive the QModelIndex from QListWidgetItem i must use QListWidget::indexFromItem(QListWidgetItem *item) const..... both this function are protected. my problem is that i can't use them. i tried a lot of posibilities and nothig.
Can someone help me? and tel my how i can use these functions togheter and insert the item at position that i want? Or if can tell me another way to insert intems into QListWidget at given position.. i mentioned that i have the position....

thanks a lot