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Thread: New features...

  1. #1
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    Default New features...

    Hi all,

    I don't know if this is an OT, so you have to decide...

    I'm working for a company that makes his own ERPP, developing a kind of framework to develop quickly ERP software. Standard forms, loading from .ui files, highly configurable, external SQL querys, plugins, etc.

    Usually my client deals with a LOT of data and wants to do data mining.

    I've made a grid-like object, based on a QTreeView,but with "hormones" , very powerful & flexible that allows them to load about 8000 rows / 30 columns in 5 seconds and inspect data quickly, fully-colored, grouped, sorted, ...

    They want to export that data to Excel, and by now i only have two solutions :

    - CSV export ( I lose color info, needed to clarify large amounts of data )
    - Excel 5.0 library I've found ( arggghhh, is the hell !! ). It has a lot of limitations and is an old & closed format. Yes, it sucks

    When I noticed QT guys where developing and ODF writer ( initially closed to text files ) I thought that it will be easy for them to create an QAbstractViewWriter, allowing grids & trees to be dumped to an ODS file.

    I asked them & they opened a task ( #226471 ). By now is only in pending status, but if someone thinks that could be a good idea to have that kind of ODF files generator, could vote in task tracker ( must be customer ) to send a message to them like "hey guys, it's a god idea. Why not implement this ?"

    Thank you very much,


  2. #2
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    Default Re: New features...

    As a workaround, how about exporting to xml. That way you could create a document template in Excel, with all the different styles, and formats you need and just fill in the actual content.
    Assuming that your tables all share a similar format, you could use a static header and footer and just fill in your relevant rows.
    I'm attaching a simple example file.
    The format for a row would be something like:
    Qt Code:
    1. out << "<Row>";
    2. for(int i=0;i<nrOfCols;i++)
    3. out << QString("<Cell %1><Data %2>%3</Data></Cell>").arg(style).arg(format).arg(data);
    4. out << "</Row>";
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
    Attached Files Attached Files

  3. #3
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    Default Re: New features...

    Quote Originally Posted by spud View Post
    Assuming that your tables all share a similar format, you could use a static header and footer and just fill in your relevant rows.
    Sorry, bad assumption. Tables are different ( column number, colors, etc. )

    I've tried to generate XML excel files but loading a large file is toooooo slow in M$ Excel that I discarded that option !!

    Anyway, thanks for your answer...

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