I have a lot of questions on tslib/touch functionality.I hope someone will be providing the answers(maybe not all at one go but any help will be appreciated)

First,I will start with what little idea I have about tslib.(correct me if I am worng)
1.It's a linux library for handling touch events.
2.You need to download tslib separately(doesn't come inbuilt in Qt library) and have to configure it to use properly(No idea how that's done).
3.Touch functionality is supported from Qt 2.2 onwards.

Now my questions

1)If I build an application using Qt designer(without any use of tslib) and create the code as I do for a normal Qt application,will it run on touch if I port it to a touch sensitive mobile phone or touch senstive computer?

2) How do I configure tslib after downloading it?

3)How do I use it with Qt applications after I configured 'tslib' properly(like we include some header files in the application or what?? )

4)Is this feature possible---
I have a photo gallery created using Qt 3.3(on a linux desktop system which doesn't have a touch screen ).If i configure 'tslib' properly and make needed changes in code,is it possible that just by scrollinbg my mouse up and down,I could increase/decrease the picture size??

I am looking forward to your answers/suggestions and advice.Thanks in advance.