
I tried out Qt Jambi (version 4.4.3, GPL) three days ago, everything works fine, except... Deploying on Windows and Mac. The app I wrote on Linux doesn't work at all on Mac OS X, it crashes while trying to display the icons in the toolbar. On Windows, everything works fine but the toolbar icons aren't shown (well, one is shown until I scroll over it with the mouse then it's gone too).

My app doesn't do anything until a button is pressed, but I thought I try out writing a test app anyhow to see if I somehow messed up in the code. I made a new "Qt Jambi Project (Using Designer Form)" in Eclipse with the Qt Jambi integration package, using a MainWindow frame. Then the only thing I did was to add a toolbar at the top and 6 actions with 48 by 48 png files as icons which I then dragged to the toolbar. I added the icons as resources from the dropdown menu in Qt Designer's Action editor, they are in the package com.justatest.testapp.resources.icons while the code is in the package com.justatest.testapp.

I then followed this documentation to deploy the app:

I chose the recommended way for deploying, as jar files. Since I want the app to run on Mac, Linux and Windows, I followed this part of the documentation:

I can now start and use the app on Linux. But not on Mac (tested on Leopard PPC) since it crashes after the window is showing and on Windows (tested on Windows Vista 32 bit) I can use it but I don't see toolbar icons.

Since I didn't write any code at all for the test app, the mistake I made seems to be in choosing the files for deployment because the documentation is wrong, misleading or I'm too stupid to follow it. Either that, or there is a bug in Qt Jambi that no one ever encountered that makes toolbars not work on Mac and Windows (which I think is highly unlikely).

Here are the files I put together in a folder from where the app should be able to start on Linux, Mac and Windows. That must be where I made a mistake:
TestApp.jar (contains the testapp's code and the icons for the toolbar buttons)
qtjambi-4.4.3_01.jar from the file qtjambi-linux32-gpl-4.4.3_01.tar.gz
qtjambi-linux32-gcc-4.4.3_01.jar from the file qtjambi-linux32-gpl-4.4.3_01.tar.gz
qtjambi-macosx-gcc-4.4.3_01.jar from the file qtjambi-mac-gpl-4.4.3_01.tar.gz
qtjambi-win32-msvc2005-4.4.3_01.jar from the file qtjambi-win32-gpl-4.4.3_01.zip

Here is what I wrote in the Manifest file for the TestApp.jar:
Qt Code:
  1. Manifest-Version: 1.0
  2. Main-Class: com.justatest.testapp.MainWindow
  3. Class-Path: qtjambi-4.4.3_01.jar qtjambi-macosx-gcc-4.4.3_01.jar qtjambi-linux32-gcc-4.4.3_01.jar qtjambi-win32-msvc2005-4.4.3_01.jar
  4. [Imagine this would be an empty line]
  5. [Imagine this would be an empty line]
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

Thanks for any help with this. I tried googling for 3 hours about this but couldn't find anything. I also skimmed over the bugs reported for Qt, nothing. And lastly, I tried asking in the Qt IRC channel, which also didn't help.