I'm relatively new to this - just been doing Qt4 for a little over a week, so please forgive me if this is something is seemingly obvious to the more skilled. I've really grown to love Qt - it's just so much more logical and well planned than MFC, Win32, or anything else I've worked with.

FYI - I'm using Qt 4.4.3, Windows Commercial, under VS2008.

I'm having a trouble with a dialog resizing on me. I'm already using several layout managers - added through QtDesigner - as follows:

Side Bar:
| <fix vertical> | <- fixed to keep height from top the same
| button |
| <expanding vertical> |
|<fix horizontal> | <- to line up with the lower bar, fixed to keep width the same

Lower Bar:
| <expanding horizontal> button <expanding horizontal> |

Central Bar:

| QTableWidget |
| Lower Bar |

Main Layout of QDialog:

| Side Bar | Central Bar |

My problem is that the QDialog gets resized whenever I insert a row into the QTableWidget (via QTableWidget::insertRow()).

Aside from the specifically fixed bars, everything is set to have an QSizePolicy::Expanding size policy, and the size constraints have been set to QLayout::SetNoConstraint.

The odd behaviour is that the QDialog will shrink below even the size of QTableWidget if I have a minimum size set in the QTableWidget - cutting off the vertical scroll bar.

It will somewhat abide by a minimum size if I set it - but then the dialog is way too big, and I'd really like to be able to let the user resize the dialog.

I had had a minimum width set for a while, but the resize issue would still occur as it would resize away any height I had added - meaning I would have to resize only after I had added all the rows I wanted.

Any tips, help, etc. would be greatly appreciated.

