I have a QTableView with a QSqlRelationalTableModel and i want the boolean colums to be checkboxes in display and edit, I have searching the forum but i have not understand the full picture here i think, i have tried two ways to do that:

-Create a QItemDelegate subclass and reimplement the methods createEditor, setEditorData, setModelData and updateEditorGeometry to represent a checkbox on edit.

-Create a QSortProxyModel subclass and reimplement flags to add a Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable on the boolean column an check for Qt::CheckStateRole in data method to reply with the boolean value of the column.

If i use the sortproxymodel i get the checkbox in display with the correct values but i still see the "true, false" strings and to change the value i get a combobox with the values true or false.

If i use the delegate i get the checkbox to edit on doble click but i dont see checkboxes in display mode, only my well know "true, false" strings.

If i use the delegate and the sortproxymodel i get a checkbox on the left of the cell on display mode and when i try to change the value i see other checkbox at the right of the first where i can change the value, after i commit the change the second checkbox is gone and the left display checkbox shows the change.

Do i have any way to have a checkbox column in display and edit (the same) and not see the text "true, false"?

Thanks in advance.