sorry for asking this Question..i am new to qt..i am install qt4.5 in ferdora8 version in linux.but my problem is how to display network adapters list in using qt..i am get some information through net..Qnetworkinterface..i can use but the trouble will be
started i can this model code it gives errors..qt version is qt4.5 .i am using c++.this code is coreect or not..i have confusion
please help me....any one


QList<QNetworkInterface> QNetworkInterface::allInterfaces()

QList<QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkInterfacePrivate> allInterfaces();
QList<QNetworkInterface> result;
foreach (QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkInterfacePrivate> p, privs) {
QNetworkInterface item;
item.d = p;
result << item;
return result;