h, i have write a program in linux and i have to port it to windows because od incompatibility with a new hardware that i am using with this software that i write, i have discover recently sdk and i supose that the porting for a system (linux/unbutu) to xp was going to be quick and easy, but not. so i decided to rewrite the entire program using sdk, but now i cannot link the interface that i develop in the form editor with the mian.cpp, what happend? i there a new thing to do in windows. i have read the help and it has some example that indicates how to use the dessigner with the main.cpp i not working in my case.so x example i create a lineedit in the designer and when i trid to get (->text()) the text from the lineedit the sdk tell me that the lineedit had not been declared! but it is in the main.ui, do i have to declare every lineedit that i have in the form?! there a lots of items!, well thx hope some can help me