I need to talk to an API that can send some information back.

For example a twitter API that returns the latest Tweets.

I have written a working php code but i am not able to do the same using Qt.

My has to do the following functions.
-Talk to the API
-Receive Information
-Display the information

I have used Qt for other purpsoses such as talking to a DLL but i do not know much about Qt and Internet.

Hopefully someone can help me to solve the problem.
here is my php code

Twitter API


$login = "1"; //Add the Usernameassword for authenticated sessions

$tweets = "http://twitter.com/statuses/public_timeline.xml";

$tw = curl_init();
curl_setopt($tw, CURLOPT_URL, $tweets);
curl_setopt($tw, CURLOPT_USERPWD,$login);

$twi = curl_exec($tw);
$tweeters = new SimpleXMLElement($twi);
$latesttweets = count($tweeters);

//echo the data

foreach ($tweeters->status as $twit1) {

echo "<div class='name'>",'<b>'.$twit1->user->name.'</b>',"</div>";
echo "<div class='text'>".$twit1->text." <div class='description'>","</div></div></div>";


