Hello all

I m using Qt 4.4.3

In my application I need to rotate as well as move a QPixmap vertically up ...

I m using below code

Qt Code:
  1. QLabel CenterArc;
  2. QPixmap pPixCenter;
  3. QMatrix matrix;
  4. pPixCenter.load(QString::fromUtf8("Images/BG.png"));
  7. i++;
  8. matrix.rotate(i);
  9. matrix.translate(220,48-i);
  10. // (220,48) are original Coordinates of my Qlabel on which I have set this QPixmap
  12. CenterArc.setPixmap(pPixCenter.transformed(matrix));
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

The QPixmap is rotating ,but its not moving vertically up i.e. its not transforming

Please Help..