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Thread: How can I follow the mouse?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Qt products

    Default How can I follow the mouse?

    Hi all,

    I have a QLabel and I want that, that QLabel follow the mouse movement of the user.

    Currently I have the following Code:

    Qt Code:
    1. label = new QLabel(this);
    3. void CSomeClass::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent *event )
    4. {
    5. QPoint currentPos = QWidget::mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos());
    6. int x = currentPos.x();
    7. int y = currentPos.y();
    8. label->setText("testje");
    9. label->setGeometry(x,y, 50, 50);
    10. label->show();
    11. }
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

    This works fine but the problem is that the movement is too slow!
    The text halts everytime.

    Does anyone know how to solve this?
    How do I get a mouse movement with text beneath that follows directly the cursor?

    Last edited by wysota; 15th April 2009 at 08:49. Reason: missing [code] tags

  2. #2
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    Default Re: How can I follow the mouse?

    You could also try for QToolTip::showText.

    Also what class are you using ? you could also think of drawing the message in your class. It could result in faster display.
    For eg say on mouse move u generate the message variable m_message;
    And in paint event, you check if m_message is empty or not. If not empty,draw the message. Oh yea, you would need to store current mouse pos too, isnt it

  3. #3
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    Mar 2009
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    Default Re: How can I follow the mouse?

    Thank you for your quick replay.. It seems that the movement is now quick enough.
    I have changed the drawing to the paintEvent like you said.

    Thanks a lot!

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