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Thread: qwt 5.2 install on qt 4.5

  1. #1
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    Default qwt 5.2 install on qt 4.5

    Ok, I've exhausted all the ideas in related QtCentre qwt install threads, and read all the qwt product 'install' notes, but I can not successfully install Qwt into my QtCreator environment.

    Windows XP Pro with SP3 + all current updates
    VS6 (shouldn't matter... just listing for completeness)

    Steps to repro:
    1) Download either:

    2) Execute, using all install 'defaults' (Installs Qt to C:\Qt\2009.01\...)
    3) Download Qwt ( and unzip to C:\qwt-5.2.0 (INSTALLBASE folder specified in qwtconfig.pri)
    4) Edit qwtconfig.pri : change to build all:
    CONFIG += debug_and_release
    CONFIG += build_all
    (and comment the CONFIG += release statement)
    (also uncomment CONFIG += QwtExamples )
    5) Open Qt command prompt and execute the following:
    Cd C:\qwt-5.2.0
    make install

    Qwt is successfully compiled and linked, including the examples
    The examples execute without any problems from the Qt command prompt
    The following files are copied to C:\Qt\2009.02\qt\plugins\designer

    Open QtCreator
    NO Qwt listing in the “Help | About Plugins…” list
    After creating a new Qt GUI application (foo) in QtCreator, go to the QtDesigner (foo.ui) – there are NO qwt Layout items.

    Alternative measures tried (one at a time)
    1) Both the Qt SDK 4.5 releases, 2009.01 and 2009.02 using the install/build/install steps outlined above

    2) Additionally copy the following files to C:\Qt\2009.02\qt\plugins\designer

    3) Alternatively, completely build Qt, QtDesigner, and qwt, specifically using a “make release”. Even after the appropriate “make install” commands, (also in the Qt SDK releases with binaries included) THE sizes and build dates for many dll’s are NOT the same in the QtRoot\bin (and subfolders) vs. the QtRoot\qt\bin folders. (Or QtDesigner build folders) All updated files were manually copied to the QtRoot\bin folders.

    Result: YESSSS… qwt items are listed in QtDesigner ! I successfully added a qwtPlot to a form and saved the file. At this point, selecting ‘Build’ makes Qt crash! But going to the Qt command line and building with qmake / make, creates an EXE that successfully displays the qwtPlot. (path and include information is correct)

    So… TWO related questions:

    1) How can I successfully install qwt extensions to Qt?
    2) Why are the dll’s so different (date and size) between the Qt\bin and Qt\qt\bin folders?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: qwt 5.2 install on qt 4.5

    I don't know about the situation on your box, but let me drop some thoughts about using QwtPlot with the designer:

    the concept of the designer plugin is not very powerful for composite widgets and non QObject derived classes. So there is not much you can do in the designer with a QwtPlot widget beside to put it into a layout and to set a couple of properties. Then you have to start to write code in your editor anyway.

    If you have problems with running the designer plugin read the section "Using Custom Widgets with Qt Designer" instead and stop wasting your time on installing a piece of software that does almost nothing for you.


    PS: Of course the Qwt designer plugin is more useful for the other Qwt widgets.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: qwt 5.2 install on qt 4.5

    Thanks for your comments Uwe.

    Since the 'default build' of qwt generates a file named "qwt_designer_plugin5.dll" it only seemed natural to me to expect qwt-designer support. But what you say makes sense.

    What doesn't make sense, and quite frankly scares me, is to see dll's with the exact same name in both Qt\..\bin and Qt\..\qt\bin folders, that have different build dates and drastically different sizes. To make things worse, building and installing Qt and QtCreator using the 'default' *.pro files, but forcing a 'release' build, does NOT overwrite all the files in these two bin folders. So where do they come from, why are they different, and consequently, what is the implication of the order of these two folders in PATH statements?

    I realize that's off thread here in the qwt forum, but I was just following up on my problems with the whole Qt / QtCreator / Qwt build issues.


  4. #4
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    Default Re: qwt 5.2 install on qt 4.5

    I had to dig deeper...

    From the latest Qt SDK for Windows (qt-sdk-win-opensource-2009.02.exe)

    Using Dependency Walker for Win32, I discovered, for example:

    Qt\bin\QtDesigner4.dll (2481 kb, built 4/15/09)
    depends on MSVCR90.dll and MSVCP90.dll

    this means this dll was built with Visual Studio 2008!

    Qt\Qt\bin\QtDesigner4.dll (5009 kb, built on 4/22/09)
    depends on MINGWM10.dll and MSVCRT.dll

    this means this dll was built using MinGW!

    Which means we have the Qt4.5.1 windows release built by TWO different compilers!

    Maybe this isn't a problem??? but it sounds pretty strange to me. I would expect the Qt build scripts to munch and create EVERYTHING in one shot (certainly not a mix of 4/15 and 4/22 dates)

    Comments anyone?

  5. #5
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    Default Re: qwt 5.2 install on qt 4.5

    I have recently formatted my machine that had the QtOpenSource SDK. But my thought was that the included QtCreator was actually built using Visual Studio even though the QtSDK OpenSource is the MinGW edition.

    The reason I think this is that there were two different sets of Qt dll's and when I accidentally set the path environment variable on my system to the dll's that QtCreator was using and none of my compiled programs (compiled with make, not nmake), would not work. When I pointed the path to the MinGW set of compiled Qt DLL's everything worked fine.

    It was a head-scratcher for a little while. Not sure if this makes sense now, but you would be able to verify seeing that you have the SDK installed.

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