looking for a complex editor component, I just trapped over QScintilla.
But I found only an API doc, no example at all.
Can anybody post a simple example how to use it?
Thanks in advance, Gérôme
looking for a complex editor component, I just trapped over QScintilla.
But I found only an API doc, no example at all.
Can anybody post a simple example how to use it?
Thanks in advance, Gérôme
talbertypeter (7th December 2013)
maybe take a look at sqliteman sources: http://sqliteman.com/ . I think it uses QScintilla as a custom sql editor.
talbertypeter (7th December 2013)
You may also have a look at QCodeEdit whose API is closer to that of QTextEdit/QTextDocument which makes it significantly easier to use. QCodeEdit comes with an example application and there are already several projects using it, both OSS (e.g TexMakerX, Xinx and Qapote) and commercial (which you obviously won't be able to get much inspiration from unfortunately...).
Current Qt projects : QCodeEdit, RotiDeCode
talbertypeter (7th December 2013)