Hi all,
this is my first post on the forum and in these days are started my journeys in c++ and qt4.

My problem is with this line of code:

Qt Code:
  1. QList<QNetworkCookie> cookiesList(cookieJar->allCookies());
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

which gives the following error during make:

/usr/include/qt4/QtNetwork/qnetworkcookie.h: In member function ‘void HttpWindow::replyFinished(QNetworkReply*)’:
/usr/include/qt4/QtNetwork/qnetworkcookie.h:121: error: ‘QList<QNetworkCookie> QNetworkCookieJar::allCookies() const’ is protected
Maybe this is c++ matter than qt4; since QNetworkCookieJar::allCookies() is protected how assign its value to my cookiesList?
