Hi everybody.
I am using the qt add-in for msvc++
I have a problem here and I hope someone may help me.
I read the doc, How to Build the QIBASE Plugin on Windows, but I stuck in the nmake part.
Well, I enter in Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt and type:
cd %QTDIR%\src\plugins\sqldrivers\ibase
qmake "INCLUDEPATH+=C:\interbase\include" "LIBS+=-lfbclient" ibase.pro
my QT dir is C:\Qt\2009.02\qt\src\plugins\sqldrivers\ibase because the add-in. and I dont have a include dir in my firebird, only bin with a fbclient.dll. I am receiving errors No such file or directory qsql_ibase.h I know where is it, what do I have to type to include it?
And I need the fbclient.lib from firebird, I cant find it in the source.
What can I do to compile it?
Thanks a lot for any tip.
Bye bye.