I have created one GUI application & one thread MyThread.
I am trying to connect signal of thread with slot of application & vice versa.
From GUI, I am calling signal connecting to Slot A of MyThread.
From the slot A of MyThread, I am emitting signal that connects slot B of application.
But my application is not running.
Pls help.

Here is ths code for connection -
CFacade *pFacade = CFacade::getUniqueInstance();
CRouterThread *pRtrThread = new CRouterThread(pFacade);

connect(CFacadeHandler::getUniqueInstance(pFacade->m_uiMainWindow), SIGNAL(readRouterInputs()), pRtrThread, SLOT(processRouterInputs()), Qt::QueuedConnection);

connect(CFacadeHandler::getUniqueInstance(pFacade->m_uiMainWindow), SIGNAL(startRouting()), pRtrThread, SLOT(runRouter()), Qt::QueuedConnection);

connect(pRtrThread, SIGNAL(displayInfo(QString)), pFacade->m_uiMainWindow.outputPane, SLOT(append(QString)), Qt::QueuedConnection);

connect(pRtrThread, SIGNAL(taskOver()), CFacadeHandler::getUniqueInstance(pFacade->m_uiMainWindow), SLOT(changeCursorShape()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
