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Thread: Building release in Eclipse

  1. #1
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    Default Building release in Eclipse

    This seems like a really silly question, but I can't seem to find out how to switch from debug to release using Qt in Eclipse. Can someone enlighten me please as I need to deploy a realase to the customer and don't want to supply the debug libraries.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Building release in Eclipse

    For anyone else who has this problem in the future, I got around it by adding the following line to my .pro files:
    CONFIG += debug_and_release build_all

    I was still only able to build the debug version in Eclipse, but doing the above allowed me to build a release version from the command line by running qmake then make.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Building release in Eclipse

    I think you might be able to do it as follows:

    1. Within Eclipse, choose the menu item Window->Show View->Other...
    2. A dialog should appear. Expand the Make to show "Make Targets" and choose that.
    3. A new docked window will appear in the Eclipse workspace. You should some entries in this window. The ones you want have a green target icon on them. Double-clicking the entry should build that release.


    Last edited by PUK_999; 20th August 2009 at 21:57.

  4. The following user says thank you to PUK_999 for this useful post:

    mentalmushroom (24th October 2012)

  5. #4
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    Default Re: Building release in Eclipse

    Thanks for that, I'll give it a try.

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