WebIssues is an open source, multi-platform system for issue tracking and team collaboration. The server can be installed on any host with PHP and MySQL, PostgreSQL, Firebird or SQL Server. The client is a desktop application written in Qt.

Last year the WebIssues Client was among the winners of the Qt Center Programming Contest (by the way, I hope that it will be revived as there are many great Qt projects out there worth promoting).

Anyway, since the contest I released three new versions of WebIssues and added a lot of new features, including email notifications and multi-pane user interface. Now I started working on version 1.0 which will introduce a web client and administration panel as well as many new capabilities. It's a lot of work, so in the meantime, I'm trying to popularize the program, gather feedback from its users and find more people interested in developing and supporting this project.

Note that the rich client, written in Qt, is what makes the program unique and will always remain the 'primary' client even when more interfaces are available in the future.

I also extracted a few components of WebIssues, together with documentation and demo programs, and published them as the following articles:
  • Modern Qt style for Windows (resembling Office 2003, inspired by the DotNet style from Qt Labs)
  • Simple XML-based UI builder for Qt4 (allowing to merge menu and toolbar items from multiple components, inspired by KXMLGUI classes from KDE)
  • Simple template-based relational database (with adapters for using directly with the Qt Model/View architecture)

You may find them useful in other projects. Note that they can be used in both open-source and commercial programs.