
I am new in QT. I install QT Creator and trying to build simpl GUI Aplicattion but I grt the following error:

Running build steps for project myProject...
Starting: C:/Qt/2009.03/qt/bin/qmake.exe D:/projects/myProject/myProject.pro -spec win32-g++ -r
Exited with code 0.
Could not find make command: mingw32-make.exe in the build environment
Error while building project myProject
When executing build step 'Make'
Canceled build.

I already set path to mingw in Tools->Options: C:\Qt\2009.03\mingw\mingw32\bin and also set the following values: C:\Qt\2009.03\mingw\mingw32\bin;C:\Qt\2009.03\qt\b in; to Path envoriment variable. But nothing helps