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Thread: QObject's event method not being called

  1. #1

    Default QObject's event method not being called

    Hi all,

    I have a sub-class of QObject (let's call it MyObject) which overrides the event() method.

    A thread, not on the QCoreApplication main thread, is creating events and posting, as in:

    Qt Code:
    1. MyEvent *e = new MyEvent; // subclass of QEvent
    2. QCoreApplication::postEvent(&MyObject, e);
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

    Now, my problem is that there seems to be some sort of race condition, as sometimes my program runs and works fine, i.e. the event() method is called, allowing events to be processed by MyObject.

    But on other occasions, the event() method is never being called.

    Any ideas of where to go looking for this? Does it mean something else is blocking the main event loop?


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    Default Re: QObject's event method not being called

    We'd have to see more code. But there shouldn't be any race conditions - post event is thread safe.
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