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Thread: QTreeView::isFirstColumnSpanned() - how to use it with a custom model??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Qt products

    Default QTreeView::isFirstColumnSpanned() - how to use it with a custom model??


    I have a QTreeView and a custom model.
    I would like all of my root nodes to have their first column spanned. How do I do it?

    I see there is QTreeView::isFirstColumnSpanned(), but its virtual so I can't override that. I can only use
    QTreeView::setFirstColumnSpanned(int row, QModelIndex, bool), but that means I need to know in advance how many rows my model has, AND get all their indexes, then call this function multiple times. And then do it again whenever I change the model's contents.

    Seems like a crazy design? Why isn't there a 'FirstColumnSpannedRole' or something like that? There are all sorts of other display-orientated roles that I could use.


  2. #2
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    Default Re: QTreeView::isFirstColumnSpanned() - how to use it with a custom model??

    QTreeView::isFirstColumnSpanned() is not related to a model but purely internal to QTreeView.

    I agree with you that this is not really convenient (esp. that you have to re-set it when the model is changed, or filtered...).

    As you can see by the existence of QAbstractItemModel::span() there are plans for proper support of that feature. But these plans have been plans for a long time now...

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