I am trying to build Marble(version 0.8.0) as a QT Designer plugin. I am using MinGW on Windows XP. My QT libraries (I have tried versions 4.5 and 4.6) were built with both debugging and release libraries. I built marble using the following
cmake -DQTONLY=ON -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DWITH_DESIGNER_PLUGIN=ON ../marble
mingw32-make install

This seemed to work fine, but when I ran designer it complained that the marble plugin uses an incompatible QT library. Doing some research, apparently QT Designer is build as release when you configure QT for debug-and-release, and therefore, plugins should be release as well. Is there a way to make marble build in release mode? This is easy with qmake and .pro files, but Marble uses cmake.

I have also tried building marble against qt libraries configured with release only, and debug only. But this failed when linking libmarblewidget.dll.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,