Dear all,

I've gotten stuck trying to build the AnimatedTiles sample from the 4.6 beta 1.
I am using qmake from the command line, then mingw32-make.

First thing is that qmake includes several paths into the INCPATH that don't belong there - paths to Visual Studio 6 include files. Those headers cause thousands of errors when trying to make the example. However, I am still using Visual Studio on the same machine, so I can't remove those paths from my "Include" environment variable.

Is there a way to tell qmake to ignore the Include environment variable, and use a different one instead? Preferrably something that I can set once, and not have to type in every time I run qmake on the command line?

Okay, so after manually removing those paths from my makefile, I come up with
"tmp/moc/debug_shared/main.moc:42: error: `rel_ops' has not been declared"

Since I assume the sample will compile fine when I build it correctly, I assume this again points to some configuration error in my build environment. Any hints where I might start to look?