Im trying write simple GUI apps using Qt (2009.04) on linux (ubuntu),
for start learning I want use some "raw" IDE, so i choice codeblocks.
When I starting create GUI apps project on C::B, on wizard im set path to QT installation directory. (/opt/qt-sd ....), and for moment - when I create my SLOTs all be fine (i can use, label, button etc.), but when i create my slots i have still this error :
/home/user/dev/QVin/MyWindow.cpp|37|undefined reference to `vtable for MyWindow'|
On windows for resolve this error (on DEVC+ Qt) must copy file qt-moc-ui-rcc.exe and qt.mak to devC bin folder, but how resolve this problem on linux and codeblocks?

I can't search answer for my question on codeblocks, because for now, www.codeblocks.org is disable :/

my header file:

#include <QtGui>
#ifndef _MYWINDOW_H_
#define _MYWINDOW_H_

class MyWindow: public QMainWindow

QMenu *filemenu;
QMenu *about;
// QToolBar *toolBar;

QAction *fileOpen;
QAction *fileSave;
QAction *appExit;

private slots:
void Open();
void Save();
